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Arrested for deep seeking


The Fosbury Flop

The Fosbury Flop & the Dunning-Kruger EffectWhen Richard Fosbury surprised the audience with a new world-record in high jump at the Olympic Games in Mexico, I was just about 1 year old. Too young to understand what he achieved. I learnt about him l…

Fatal exception – or how to get rid of errors

Dave, a good friend,  sent me a WhatsApp message and made fun of a software that– when put
under load – did not properly log invalid login attempts.
All he could see was “error:0” or “error:null” in the log-file.
 This reminded me to a simil…

Leaving Springfield


The Birthday Paradox – and how the use of AI helped resolving a bug

working / testing a new web based solution to replace the current fat client, I
was assigned an an interesting customer problem report.

customer claimed that since the deployment of the new application, they noticed
at least 2 incidents per…

Bug’s survival strategy


Astronomy for developers


AI and a confused elevator

A collegue recently received a letter from the estate agent, stating that several people reported a malfunction of the new elevator. The reason as it turned out after an in depth-analysis: the doors were blocked by people moving into the building while…

Software made on Earth

This is a remake of my original cartoon which was published at SDTimes, N.Y. in their newsletter as of April 1, 2008

Testing under the Hood

when a particular test passed at first glance, there might still be
things going wrong. You may just not have noticed it, because the User
Interface stays quiet; at least for the moment.
Things can go wrong in a black box long after you …