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Count your calories

On Thanksgiving, the omniscient corny horn shares the following words stuffed with wisdom:Remember: Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings, not your calories.

Afraid to unwind

On Hallows’ Eve, the mystic corny horn discloses the following words of wisdom:Q: Why are all mummies workaholics?A: They’re afraid to unwind.

Bug killing

The omniscient corny horn pours out the following words of wisdom:Chuck Norris doesn’t bug hunt as that signifies a probability of failure, he goes bug killing.

10 kinds of people

The omniscient corny horn celebrates the 3rd anniversary of vitalsoftwareissuesnstuff.com with the following all-time classic:There are 10 kinds of people: Those who understand binary. Those who don’t.

No Ctrl key

The omniscient corny horn pours out the following words of wisdom:Chuck Norris’s keyboard doesn’t have a Ctrl key because nothing controls Chuck Norris.

Can’t test for equality

The omniscient corny horn pours out the following words of wisdom:Chuck Norris can’t test for equality because he has no equal.

The final rollout


No disk latency

The omniscient corny horn pours out the following words of wisdom:Chuck Norris doesn’t have disk latency because the hard drive knows to hurry the hell up.

Cheerful debugging messages and its consequences

Over a year ago, we tested the automated printing of a clerk’s signature on letters being sent to doctors, lawyers, etc. There were some issues where the signature was missing, that’s why we marked the defective signature-template with a debugging te…


The omniscient corny horn pours out the following words of wisdom:Q: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?A: Snowflakes